MICHEL BEAUDOUIN breton pea coats, duffle coats

MICHEL BEAUDOUIN French brand of duffles coats and pure wool breton pea coats.
For more than 40 years, MICHEL BEAUDOUIN fabric has designed and manufactured pea coats and duffle coats.

Duffle coat 100% wool out of  French made fabric .
Traditional breton pea coat 100% wool melton made in France.
Taylored women pea coat 80% wool.
Winter quilted pea coats.

Quality clothes that will last year after year.

MICHEL BEAUDOUIN  breton pea coats, duffle coats

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breton pea coat CORSAIRE DAME Michel Beaudouin pure wool breton pea coat

Genuine breton pea coat. MICHEL BEAUDOUIN.
women pea coat, black buttons.
100% pure wool. 
NAVY pea coat.

from 299.00
329.00 €

Pea coat ISABELLE - MICHEL BEAUDOUIN - half season breton pea coat BLACK, BLACK BUTTONS

ISABELLEwomen's Pea coat MICHEL BEAUDOUINVery stylish half season women pea coat from brittany. Black or Gold buttons.

290.00 €

breton pea coat CORSAIRE Michel Beaudouin BLACK buttons

Pea coat CORSAIRE black buttons breton peacoat mens.
Michel Beaudouin
 pure wool traditional men's breton pea coat,
double breasted pea coat.

from 299.00
339.00 €

LIQUETTE - MICHEL BEAUDOUIN - pea coat women overshirt

Liquette, women pea coat over shirt in light weight pea coat fabric with round base like old gran'pa shirt.
Sur-chemise Michel Beaudouin.

139.00 €